Grant Family Medicine is committed to not only recruiting diverse residents and faculty but also maintaining an inclusive environment where our residents can thrive. We believe that our differences are our strengths and that together, we can truly make this residency and our community a better place.
Our residents and faculty serve on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committees at a department, hospital, and system level. Additionally, our residents and faculty have contributed to DEI practice changes and advocacy at the state and national levels. We have open discussions about systemic oppression, privilege, cultural humility, and allyship. We are certainly not perfect, but we are committed to improving everyday.
We perform regular needs assessments of our team members, and will soon be resuming our patient advisory council, in order to better guide the direction of our work. Our pledge, which is a living document, is included below.
Grant Family Medicine Antiracism and Inclusion Pledge
We at Grant Family Medicine Residency know that we are our best selves when we bring diverse backgrounds and perspectives to our work. We affirm OhioHealth's value of inclusion and honor the dignity and respect of each person regardless of race, color, ethnicity, religion, culture, language, national origin, age, ability, socioeconomic status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. We pledge to use our collective power to actively address and dismantle systems of oppression and commit to the journey of becoming an anti-racist program. We will be held accountable to these values and will work tirelessly to address inequities in our community and strive for equity and justice for both our patients and ourselves.
How We Will Achieve This:
1. Implement anti-discrimination educational programming for all our members
2. Conduct forums to provide a safe space for open discussion
3. Incorporate anti-racist and holistic approaches to the residency recruitment process
4. Develop protocols to address discriminatory actions by patients
5. Hold each other accountable when we act in a discriminatory way
6. Increase racial diversity within the leadership of the residency
7. Actively dismantle practices that contribute to systemic oppression in our health system
8. Partner with OhioHealth/OPG to develop career opportunities for our team members that match the needs of our community
9. Commit to ongoing reevaluation of the work defined in this action plan
10. Cultivate a culture of inclusivity reflective of the values outlined in this pledge