Grant Family Medicine Interview Day!

We’re looking forward to your interview! Below is some information that may be helpful as you plan for your interview day.

  • Our recruitment team places a high priority on equity and inclusion while planning our interview season. We will be conducting video interviews, but we understand that everyone has different access to technology and broadband services. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us ahead of time if you have any concerns about your interview day.

  • We have prioritized your time and have made the interview day as efficient as possible. Your day will consist of a program director welcome, 4 interviews (Dr. Herzog, Dr. Amin, our program consultant, and a faculty member), and an optional informal session with one of our residents. Your Thalamus schedule will reflect the order/times of these sessions and will be available several days before your interview day.

  • In case you aren’t able to ask all of your questions during your interview day, there will be additional opportunities throughout the interview season. Details about other opportunities will be available and updated on our Thalamus website.

  • The following policies are implemented for all of the medical education programs in our healthcare system. If you want more details email

    • Trainees must follow the health and safety guidelines of OhioHealth, including compliance with required vaccines and screenings.

    • Trainees may also have required rotations at outside institutions and would be required to follow the guidelines of those institutions additionally, including required vaccines, such as the COVID-19 vaccination.

    • Trainees unable to comply with required screenings and vaccinations may not be able to meet the program requirements for graduation.